Education, experience and Training
I am licensed to practice psychotherapy in the state of California through the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (MFC 87294)
- Master of Science in Counseling with an emphasis in Marriage & Family Therapy at San Francisco State University
- Clinically Certified Sex Offender Treatment Specialist (C.C.S.O.T.S)
- Master of Arts in International Relations at Boston University, Paris, France
- Bachelor of Arts degrees in Speech Communication & French at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, IL
I am currently working towards becoming a Certified Sex Therapist and as a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
I have worked intensively with men, women and their children for over a decade on issues ranging from severe trauma/PTSD, substance addiction, chronic homelessness, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, depression, etc. My personal and professional experiences has proven to me that healing and hope are possible even from the most dire of circumstances.
I am a member of
- California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)
- American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT)
- National Association of Forensic Counselors (NAFC)
- International Association of Trauma Professionals (IATP)
- GAYLESTA: The Psychotherapist Association for Gender & Sexual Diversity